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2015 NRA metric 3 position and Open air rifle standing sectional

  • 15 Jan 2015 4:05 PM
    Message # 3201405

    19 and 22 shooters attended the 3p metric and air rifle matches respectively at the Jackson sportsman 's club.

    Final results

    3p metric

    Winner Jason Spaude   569-16

    2nd place Mike O'Connor  564-11

    3rd place Aaron Ward  560-14

    1st expert Bryan Wiles  545-11

    1st sharpshooter Richard Clark  522-8

    1st marksman Melanie West  542-11

    2nd marksman Jerry St James  491-9

    Open air rifle sectional

    Winner-gold Jason Spaude  576-28

    Second-silver Hannah Richardson  572-21

    Third-bronze Anne Sullivan  567-23

    1st marksman Bryan Wiles  544-20

    2nd marksman Melanie West  539-15

    3rd marksman Tom Sullivan  534-11

    I would like to thank Mike O'Connor for running the match and the Jackson Sportsman's Club for the use of their range.

    MRPA Small bore division

    Clif Miller Director

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